Blank Canvas

____`♥ A black and white world
protected by sheets of lies from bleeding colours on a blank canvas.
You could paint the perfect picture of my life
but you'd rather watch me swirl around like dirty water.
I won't take criticism about myself
it's your fault I'm here in the first place.
Out of the one million sperm that raced to an egg
I was the one who won,and I'm thankful for that.
I wouldn't take my own life because I'm not happy,
I wouldn't put paint on my face to be someone I'm not.
You can't paint over me like I'm a mistake you don't want
I'll always bleed through to the other side
and grow and grow and grow.
Grow until you can't control me anymore.
I'll grow so much,that throwing me away
won't get rid of me.___`♥