So leave me where I'm stood..

So leave me where I'm stood and expect nothing better then blood
as I look into your eyes I see nothing but the skies
you believe you're worth so much more then this
your lips believe they deserve one more final kiss
and so I graze your skin with a razor sharp movement
and remind you to savour every living moment
for this may be the last time you lay eyes on me
knowing I'm finally gaining control of this mess fills me with glee
and after mentioning the word glee I decide it's time to find a new word
something else to fulfil my vocabulary from this world,
whilst contemplating this you beg me for a response
and all I do is ignore your pleads, much to your remorse
making my small, rather pointless smirk grow, at a rather significant rate
I can see your pupils grow as you refuse to show the amount of hate
the giggling begins and soon develops into laughter
as your screams begin to get louder
all you can do is shout and await a decent, semi-coherent response
but if I have anything to do with that you will be getting no such thing
so wave goodbye to this posture and kiss farewell to these lips
for this will be the last time you ever get to touch them as yours (: