
I feel his cold hand running up my leg.
As the tears run down my face.
I get the chills, looking away.
Hes doesnt understand all my painnn.
As i lay alone at night, waiting for the time.
When reality hits, this is only a nightmare.
I cant slep the door is locked.
I know he cant do anymore.
But i still feel the burn he broguht,
all the love i had thought.
But through his love was only pain,
As he wiped my life away.
Little girl, not did he know.
Underneath i was broke/
I couldnt look at him as my father,
cuz he didnt look at me, as his daughter.
Im not a little trampy ho,
I was only seven years old.
I didnt know what sex was, i didnt know what boys had want.
i didnt know what he did, I only wished it was in my head.
But as i lie here all alone.
Deep udnerneath, im still brokee..