If love really matured

If love really matured...
My tears wouldn't be streaming down
my swollen face
if it was real you'd be here
not with that gurl...
The school whore
shes not right, and you of all people
know it!
IF love REALLY matured
then i wouldn't be draining my unfixable broken heart
out on this thin peas of paper
with this trashy pencil!
well im DONE, were DONE
Wait there was never really an us...
i remember i was just some girl
you tryd to pick up when you had know one else
....when you were desperate....
all you ever did was screw me over because i gave in ONCE
should that even count at all?
your screwed
so go fuck up someone Els's life
..for now..
♠ ♠ ♠
i was bourd