Touch Me One More Time And See What Happens

Joe, let's get one thing straight
Just you and me
I'm not your little punching bag
As you obviously cannot see
Because I'm sure that if you did
We wouldn't be having this discussion
Oh and also i wouldn't be in the hospital
With a possible concussion
You've hurt me everyway possible
You've ra**ed me, touched me, and yes
You've even held a knife to my throat
Come on Joe, now is the time to confess
Tell everyone what you've done
Let people judge you the way then judge me
They should all know the past I've come from
It's all your fault
The way I'm brought up
Everything You've done to me
Theres so much needed to be said but
there's notmuch time to say it
So just head my warning
Even though you're my brother
The tables will soon be turning
If you touch me one more time
You won't be given counseling
Or even just a fine
You'll be in jail
With all those other low lifed
Dirt bags who abuse innocent people
So go ahead I dare you, grab yourself a knife
♠ ♠ ♠
this has all truly happend to me by my brother. i do not want sympathy only justice and for everyone to know the life i've been dealt