
Try, try and try again.
No loss, no gain my only friend.
Come follow me, my love,
into the firey depth of my mind.
I'll be the guide
To this amusement park of hell.
Get on the ride, you'll never come off
Knives, daggers, and razor blades.
It's a three right circus of torture.
Each thought, a clown.
Each cut, a mime.
The leader goes unseen.
Masked, cloaked, she lays in between.
Freaks, and followers get lost inside.
Do I scare you, my love?
Welcome to my personal hell.
Find me in the mirrors, behind all the masks.
If you can, I'll love you for eternity.
And my angel, you'll break the darkness.
But, will that break me?
Follow me on the carousel my dear,
we'll watch how long you last.