
The tiny grains of sand
feel smooth against the soles of my feet
my hands hold the camera tight
as my eye peers through the view finder
of my precious 35mm
this is how I see the world
its my sight
all of my feelings feel as if
they are being transferred onto the strips of film
the sun is coming down
going into shelter from our eyes
the lights plays upon the ocean water
making it even more beautiful
to the eye
my finger automatically presses
the oh so familiar shutter button
making a slight click as my mouth
stretches into a wide grin
everything is okay at this moment
my anger has vanished
for I know the image is a beautiful one
one no one will forget
its what I know
its what I do
its the only thing I have ever
been confident about
the only thing I have ever really known
its photography
my heart, my soul, my mind
its me
its the world through my eyes
but my true eye
is the view finder of a camera