Inside of Red and Blue

Are they here,
To get me?
To save me,
And make me happy?
To make me feel safe,
And heal me?
To take me away,
And make everything better?
To send me somewhere new,
To find life?
To let me live happy,
Outside of red and blue?
To make her stop,
The kicking and punching?
To send her to Hell,
Where she came from?
To show to me,
That life is good?
To let me learn,
How to like women again?
To hold me close,
And not drop me?
To take her belt away,
So she won't beat me with it?
To explain to my why,
Other kids don't hurt this way?
To care about me deeply,
Because she never will?
To love me a lot,
Like a good mom would?
To make me shed tears of happiness,
Not tears of fear?
To let me sing loudly,
Because it's my favorite thing to do?
To warm me when it's cold,
And not make me sit in the snow?
To buy me new clothes,
So I don't have to wear torn ones?
To cry for me sometimes,
Instead of laughing at me?
To feed me food,
More than one time a day?
To play with me all day,
Because she was only home about an hour?
To jump in and save me,
Before she walks in through my door?
To smile with me,
After they showed me how to smile?
To lift me into the air,
And let me spread my wings?
To let me pretend,
that all dreams come true?
Of course not.
It's just another man,
Here to take my mom out.
To get her drunk,
So that I'll never have the chance to forget,
What it's like to live inside of red and blue.