Talking Is The Best I Have

Hey, you're online too
I thought you wouldn't show
I wait for you, to tell you the truth
That I like you as a boyfriend

Sometimes I get nervous
When you don't sign on
I'm afraid you're on a date
But then you're on

I type 'Hello'
You respond with the same
I start the conversation
Trying to ease the butterflies I have
I'm about to type my secret

I pause,
My fingers poised above the keyboard
I think,
What if you don't feel the same?

Then what would I do?
I'd look like a fool to you
We'd be akward near each other
I don't want that to happen

So I ignore my heart
Telling me to type it out
I listen to my head again
And go on with the conversation

But in my head,
And when no one is near,
I whisper the truth
I love you.