
So, here we are
In school
Buddy buddy
You don't know
But some do

Will they tell you
Before I can?
Will they ruin the surprise,
Of me leaving you cards?

I hope not,
Love isn't something
That can be told through friends
It must be said by one person
To the one they love

I'm telling you now,
I love you!

But you're my best guy friend
I hate it
When you talk bad about my other friends
But still, I love you

I try to ignore that side of you,
The side that talks behind other's backs.

I talk to others about you
When you aren't there.
I'm asking for advice
What should I do,
When I'm in love with my best guy friend?

They say to tell you,
I try!
I really do try!
But I'm scared,
Of being rejected,
Being hurt,
Or being loved.

People ignore me,
Or are fake.
Having someone love me,
That would be different,
But I'm not sure I could handle it.

So here we stay,
Some of the best friends
No dating to pressure us,
But my heart breaking,
Everytime I'm reminded of it.