Broken Down

Broken down little girl
Missin you to the end
Keep the sparkles away
They all know you bleed.

Broken down little girl
Hold on tight to your dreams
Keep them alive
Even if you cant believe what you've seen.

You need to let me in
And let the sparkles fall away
Help you keep it alive
And everything you've seen away

Give me your hand
And we'll leave this place
Give me your hand
And we'll leave this hurt
Away, from you

Little girl keep your dreams alive
I'll love you till the end of time
And you know that we ran away from the pain
But you must forgive me cause
Its starting to hurt.

Broken down little girl
I've lost the battle I've been winning
Remember to keep your dream alive
And I'll always be with you

Keep the sparkles away now
Broken down little girl.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had a music assignment for a composition and I went through all my older songs I've written.
When I came across this I was kinda surprised at it **shrugs**

feedback? y//n