The Night Before Vacation (Summer 2010)

I’m on my way
Tonight’s the night
I’m leaving tomorrow
Too nervous to get any rest
I’m leaving behind
My two house cats
Oh I’m gonna them
I love them too much

Lying down beside my bed
Looking under at my baby cat, Piggy
Her pupils huge
As they reflect the light
And I had a thought

Our strongest connection
Between one another
Is with no words
Not even the simplest touch
But just with a simple stare
For our eyes hold all our emotions
Telling them in the most perfect wording

She made it so hard
To summon up a goodbye
With her eyes so much human
I once pictured them brown
My kitten of most beauty
With fur of all colors
Of black and red
Blonde and brown
And even a few smudges of orange
With her eyes a golden green
Like two jewels in her head
She always has a childlike quality
Never quite acting like an adult

But it is hardest to say goodbye to her
For she shall be too scared
Even though I am coming back
Will I have been forgiven in that time
Or maybe I shall meet a hot guy

wish me luck on this non-existing quest. as i try to say goodbye to you. know that i, alison, will not forget anyone. as i shall be back on.