I didn't know you that much
But everyone seems to show you love
And there's something I've been meaning to ask you
What's it like up above?
Is heaven really like it sounds
Is it full of color
Is it full of pink clouds?
Or is it dull and plain
J.J. you were very special
And unique in your own way
There's so much i want to ask you
And so much I want to say
You didn't deserve to die
If I told someone I felt nothing when I found out
That would be one big fat lie
I felt sadness and pain
I wanted to cry but the tears
Always cause me a migrain
J.J. you took away my fears
By the words you always said
J.J. We really miss you, we wish you didn't part
You'll always be in our heads
But mostly in our hearts...
We love you J.J.
♠ ♠ ♠
J.J. Watson committed suicide a few months ago and I thought he deserved to be remembered even though, I didn't really even know him. I knew his cousin Noah and helped him through some hard times when this all happened.