I want to be free but I'm not sure what that is

"If you look in the mirror and don't like what you see you can find out first hand what it's like to be me"
strawberry sweet,so sweet,so free,
free of this labyrinth,
free of the vines that held it back, free to see the world,
I am not free
I don't like the way my family sees me, I like the way my friends see me,
I am my colors, blue light and delicate,
purple darkly beautiful,
black all colors curious thing black is,
I am music,
I am horses,
I am me, whoever that may be, I guess it's whoever you want to see,
just make sure you see me,
"how do we escape this labyrinth?"
Thomas Edisons last words were " it's very beautiful over there"
I don't know where "there" is,
I don't know where you or I are, but I hope its beautiful,
I hope my "Great Perhaps" is beautiful.
I wish the world was beautiful
mine is and I'm leaving for it now