My Only Experience Of Love

I'm sorry I care.
I'm sorry I love.
I'm sorry my heart is as open as the deepness in my eyes look at you
You made me so happy
Something else was bothering me though, and I wasn't ready to tell you yet
Now it's different
You dated my friend, and made me feel terrible.
At least you realized I was more meaningful
That I was actually real've become different
Moving on with one girl and off with another
All I can say is
I wish you nothing but happiness
You appear good, just apparently filled with hormones
You can have your fun
I'm ready to be a grown up though
Just with no one to grow up with me
You always appear to have someone by your side
But are they in your heart? Thoughts? Imagination? Dreams? Soul?
I want someone like that.
Someone who cares.
You do, but also, you care about other girls, a lot
I don't roll that way
I'd like someone who is there, especially for me.
You'll always be a friend
We won't know what will happen next
But I hope it's amazing, no matter what.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is dumb.