
You said you loved me forever
You said you would never leave
You said I would never worry again
You said I would never be lied too
You said that you would stay no matter what
You said you'd protect me from the darkness
You said you'd be my sliver of light in the dark.

You said you loved me forever. Forever isn't that long i guess
You said you would never leave. So walking away from US is not leaving
You said I would never worry again. No I can't sleep for fear of tomorrow
You said I would never be lied too. No I can't tell whats the truth
You said you would stay no matter what. I guess that was another lie
You said you'd protect me from the dark. Now I can't tell whats light anymore
You said you'd be my sliver of light in the dark. But the darkness has now engulfed me.

Now thanks to you I saw the ways you masqueraded behind your lies
To trick me and gain my trust
To lead me on and think i was the one and only
I guess forever is now over thanks to figuring out what we had were LIES.