Falling Out of Forever

She stood in a room
surrounded by bodies.
"Maybe if I dissapear,
they'll all just forget me."

These thoughts swirled in her head
like an angry, destructive hurricane.
Destroying anything in its path,
and making her question if she was sane.

She wanted to go away and hide.
Curl up in her bed and pull her knees to her chest.
Her fake smile was cracking,
but she was trying her best.

Her hands wouldn't stop shaking,
and her knees were getting wobbly.
These people had eyes,
why couldn't they see her falling?

Tears fell down her face like rain;
sobs escaped her throat.
People shuffled by, but it was all the same.
They wondered what was wrong with her
but they didn't care enough to know for sure.

She was slowly crumbling away,
like a degrading building.
Falling to pieces,
but begging to stay.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was my first poem I wrote in a looooong time, so sorry about how some spots are a little...awkward haha x)