
Wouldn't life be so much easier if we had no difficulties, fights, and violence? *sigh* Like that'll ever happen... No James... no Spot... no Jensen... nobody.. the world is so cold anymore.. so lonely... everybody starts to shun you for one mistake.. your a misfit.. nobody likes you.. you feel like every problem is your fault.. you begin to go slightly mad.. you start shunning the world... you spend all your days in your room... never leaving the house... no contact with the outside world... you cry about nothing... you scream about nothing... you crawl in the corner... wait to die.. it never comes.. you try and try... your body doesn't wan to react... your life means nothing to you... parents don't even care about you anymore.. no friends... nothing... the world is dead in your eyes... your dead in it's eyes.. you have nothing to live for... you'll scream and shout.. nobody hears you... you cry... you inflict pain on your body.. you feel nothing... blood on the knife... on your skin.. on the floor.. you feel no satisfaction.. People, like me feel like this every once and awhile, your friends and family treat you like shit... then this happens.... People worry, and people are too demanding, but just.... to shun people out is the worse thing you could do.... Don't wish that they die...