Dosage May Vary

This is us breathing in succession to a disaster,
In and out, deep and even.
As good as we can manage, it's us breathing.

This is what therapy is to most, but not for all.
This is us few, breathing in sucession to a disater.
Our breath happened to be falling line,
With the gentle decline of our mental being.

The exhales followed the rhythm,
And we couldn't say no.
This is our therapy and you're bearing witness,
To a mental breakdown with a little more frill.

In, out, deep and even
This isn't the therapy we believe in.
Cymbal crashes and a microphone
that's like matches.
You watch us burn out and ignite once more.

This is the breakdown you're hearing
and it's all about how.
You better up the dosage because it seems to be failing.

This is our breathing, that's what you're hearing.
In the aftermath to a mental rigt
This is the therapy and this is how we are.

This is us inhaling in the succession to a disaster.