
Blessed ignorance
Not all that glitters is gold
And so many faces are masks
The footsteps you follow, constructed
By crafty deceivers for laughs
The light in the sky a reflection
Of cities burning, flames licking, destruction
The seas a collection of tears, born of
Mothers crying,
Brothers dying,
And sisters’ suicide
The clouds are only pockets of smoke
Risen from the ashes of dreams
The smiles you see have been lies
The world that we live in is changing
Original thoughts plagiarized
True solutions brushed aside
The rivers run
Black for soot,
Red for blood,
Washing over the untarnished waters
Faerie tales were truths, subtly hinted
And legend and myth
To the rest was the lie
Of Perfection
Of Voice
Of Peace and Sanctuary
Disguising the truth, the pain,
Leading astray those who take this life for granted
Believing wrong is right
And going down is moving “up”
Empathy is dead.