why can i have you?

i see your face smileing at me everywhere i go
i feel you touch all around me
but your not there
you are just my imagination
someone who is always there and i cannot forget you

they say things are on the up
everything will get better
but i dont want to listen to them no
i want you

its like you have talken my life with you
but where,where have you gone?
why did you have to go and leave like this
i love you so much i just want you back
i want you back untill i go and then you can go to
you should come back to me into my arms

i get scared sometimes
you would say to me
"dont worry you have got me"
but i dont now

you left for something/someone better
i have not always been the best
i know that
i dint deserve anything you give me only the love
but i never asked for it

if you really loved me you wouldnt have gone
i still see you around
but is it really you
is it the you i knew is it the you i loved so much?

i close my eyes and see you
in my dreams to
its not fair why do i still want you
i know i cant have you
why do i even bother
i am invisable to you

i just want you love and nothing more
can i ask for it now?
would you give it to me?
im to scared to ask...
♠ ♠ ♠
this is about my dad he died on the 22/09/09 and to vent my feelings i wrote poems and this one is about not been able to have him with me i hopeyou like it and leave a comment and tell me what you think of it thanks x