The BlackBird Sings

When the black bird sings everything goes quiet,
For it sings the song of the dead.
And in the cemetary, where the dead lay sleeping.
A big rusted bell starts ringing.
And all dead being, awake from their nap,
And go searching for their dinner.

People scream and run,
But can't escape.
For the black bird's song has created a curse.
Of which that no living thing shall leave the town.
And once the dead is satisfied,
The black bird stops singing,
And the dead go back to their sleeping.

Only then do can the people leave,
they leave forever.
Then in just a few years,
new people arrive,
and it starts all over again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well I was just winging it, but because it's in story form I thought it would be qualified as a ballad.