Love Cancer

--written on 11.8.07

Hello Mr.
How's the weather?
How do you do today?

Hello to you back,
The weather's cold,
And I've had better days.

Au contraire,
I love the weather.
Why do you feel so bad?

It's the woman I love
That will not marry me
That has caused me to feel so sad.

A bride? She refused?
Oh, how could it be?
For you are the perfect man.

Aye, that's right,
That's what I've heard
And so I've come up with a plan:
I'll make her laugh
I'll dry her tears
I'll hold her close at night
I'll call her 'girl'
Make her feel loved
Keep her close within my sight
I'll be funny and smart
Sarcastic and sly
Tell her she's my only one
Play music for her,
Write her songs
And she'll know she's the one I love.

But sir,
I must protest-
Those are already things you do.

Why miss, you're right.
In that case,
I haven't got a clue.
We can't be together
It will hurt too much
So what is the answer?

Goodbye Mr.
I can't help you out.
It looks like you've got love cancer.