
I’m responsible
I’m independent
Yet you treat me like a lil’ girl

You forget my name
You don’t give me respect
I don’t have privacy from you

But I’m not a little girl anymore
I’m mature
I’m a young lady
I’m safe
I’m not stupid
I know my rights
I don’t do anything illegal
I can read people
I’m in the “right crowd”
And I don’t do anything alone

So why do you treat me like this
It’s unfair

Why do you waste money in doughnuts and sweets
When you don’t even have a job?

Why don’t you do work around the house
Or cook for yourself
Whether or not I’m around

You treat me like I’m irresponsible
When I can take care of myself
When I go to school almost year round
And you sit at home watching nothing

You’re the irresponsible one
And my biggest fear
Is me becoming like yourself.