Insecurity and how girls try to hide it. The bad way

I can describe the plastic mean"disease" many popular teen girls possess with the use of metaphor and free verse.

Imagine everyone's self esteem, self worth, individualism, and security were made of glass, different strengths and amounts depending on how much you had of all the listed traits.

For expressionists, artists, and independent outcasts who dare to deify the norm, their glass would be incredibly strong and large, as they possess all the traits listed in large amounts.

For a typical run of the muck teen, their glass would fairly strong and somewhat large.

But for popular mean girls and their clones, their glass is incredibly weak and small, the very opposite of the artist. They possess very little of the traits listed above.

So they have to hide their glass.
They create cheap, fake "plastic" covers and pass it off as their real glass. But this isn't enough, their glass is still incredibly weak and cracking.

So they start breaking other peoples glass to try and fill up the cracks. They mainly think that it's working, that every time they make a crack or completely shatter someone elses glass that their real glass is becoming stronger,but deep down they know that's not true and that the very opposite is occurring. Their glass still continues to shrink and weaken.

Until it finally breaks into little pieces. This happens to everyone.

When that happens is unknown and is different for each person, but it will happen at some point.

But for the plastics, unlike many others, they will have no one there to help pick up the pieces.

They are their own worst enemies.