You Let Me Slip.

Can't sit.
can't sit still.

You won't come back,
you never will.

Not for any amount,
coin or bill.

I'll never understand,
I never will.

It's a part,
a part of life.

Even though,
it cuts life a knife.

I always thought,
I would become your wife.

It kills me to know,
you are just a kife.

So alone,
alone I am.

I will find a better,
find a better man,

I know I will do it,
I know I can.

I don't care,
if I have to search all the land.

From snow,
to grass to sand.

I will not look down
tall I will stand.

So on with my life,
I never forgive, but I forget.

You are the worst,
worst person I've met.

I'm moving on,
I'm ready, I'm set.

Don't cause a scene
please don't cause a fret.

Not my fault,
that you let me slip.