The Dance

My feet
They press the solid ground
Step and spin without a sound

A dive
Then up without delay
Sun-lit forms; a free ballet

A leap
Newfound talent to fly
Legs outstretched that kiss the sky

Moving faster now
As quick as arms and legs allow

A twirl
Hair whipping in my face
Move in circles throughout space

Some which calls to mind
A swirling wind left unconfined

The Sun
Its rays of gentle light
Fall on hair and eyes so bright

Stepping here and there
Come and go without a care

A pause
Unsure of what to do
Body waits for something new

They dance instead of I
A statuette beneath the sky

Then one more final bend
The Dance is done; it's found the end.

My feet
They press the solid ground
Turn and walk without a sound...
♠ ♠ ♠
It's been so long since I've written anything...