When the lights went out..

I just wanted to say that I loved you once more
I just wanted to say good-bye once more
I waited there patiently yet eager to see your face...but it was too late.
when I walked into that room, curtains around you...i walked up to you
I saw your face...
Your body lifeless and cold.
The light in your eyes went out...
You couldn't hold on just one more second for me...for me to say that i loved you and that I always would.
It will never be the same without you
I cant fathom how it will be this Christmas without you, without you here with me.
I cant fathom how it will be without your kindness
I cant fathom how it will be just to see your smiling face and warm comforting laugh.
Why did you have to leave me?
your chest stop moving...
the lights in your eyes...went out...
and your were gone...
Why couldn't you stayed just one minute longer?
No matter how many tears I cry for you...it will never bring you back....
All I can do is think of you.