
The wind whispers
Whispers through the trees
Trees sing silently
Silently while we sleep
Sleep in a place away from danger
Danger lurks everywhere
Everywhere something could hurt you
You don't listen
Listen to the warnings
Warnings that scream not to do something
Something you don't understand
Understand that you are fragile
Fragile as spun glass
Glass as light as snow flakes
Snow flakes as small as dots
Dots fleck your vision outside
Outside you freeze
Freeze without a jacket on
On a tree with nothing to protect you
You slowly lose it
It takes over as every thing fades
Fades from sight
Sight starts to dim
Dim the lights become
Become one with the darkness
Darkness embraces you with open arms
Arms that are supposed to comfort
Comfort you as you leave
Leave this world entirely

Its amazing something that starts with trees changes to death
Death that envelops you as your helpless
Helpless to stop the inevitable.