
Pretty much all my life I`ve been looking forward to being older,
Cause when I got older everything would be better.
I would have friends, be happy and have a life,
(Maybe even a cute boyfriend.)
That’s what I`ve said to myself pretty much my whole life,
But where is it now.
I`m older
I still don’t have many friends
I have one, one that I am so happy for having.
One that keeps me going.
I am happy I have that one friend,
But still I`m not happy,
I don`t really have a life.
My life is a mess, and I try to get by each day,
But it’s hard, and I don’t know how much longer I`ll be able to cope.
I need help.
I hope for help.
I wish for help.
I need it.
Cause I don`t know how long ill be able to stay strong.