Please come back

Please come back
Please don't ever leave again
Please be here tomorrow
Today's your birthday
And all I'm doing
Is thinking of you
And crying
I wish you were here
Even though I never really knew you
I still love you
And I'm affected
By your death.
You don't know
How many tears were shed.
Or how many times I try to smile
You can't feel the hurt in my chest
You can't know of the want I have
Just for you to be alive once again
I'll never know what you sounded like
Or how you look today
I see the pictures
But they make me cry more
I keep asking God
Why he would give you to our family
If he was going to take you right back
But I can't be mad at God
Obviously he had a reason for doing it
But I'm finding it hard to understand
I'm trying to look at the big picture
I'm trying to see
But I can't.
It hurts so bad
To know that I love someone
I never truely met
And I never will
Until I die too.
I keep wishing for a miracle
I keep wanting to see you in my dreams
But I never have
It's crazy that I'm so affected
But maybe it's because
I'll never know
If you'd be the perfect sister
Or if you'd be like our other sister
Would you have an attitude like her
Would you have anger problems like me
Would you be brave like our brother?
Would you act like a little kid all the time like our dad?
Would you be a daddy's girl too?
Would you be bi-polar like all the girls in our family?
But I'll never know.
Somedays I just wish I could wake up from this nightmare
And see your beautiful face.