A Mirror's Advice

Mirror, mirror on the wall,
How do my people see me?
Do they love me or want to leave me?
Do they think I’m great or small?
Tell me, tell me, mirror on the wall.

Queenie, Queenie, half-cocked on a ball,
Some hate the squeal of your laugh.
Some think you’re fat as a calf.
Some hopefully wait for your fall.
So shocked? So shocked? Half-rocked on a ball?

Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Why do you say, I’m half-cocked on a ball?!
Why do you say, I’m half-rocked on a ball?!
Do you hate me too? The things that I do?
If you hate me too, I’m sure I’ll hate me too.
Tell me, tell me, mirror on the wall, what shall I do?

Queenie, Queenie, half-cocked on a ball,
You tilt and you totter on each person’s whim
To love you or hate you – whatev’r mood they’re in,
You toss and you tilt in a most precarious stance,
Like their words and deeds put ants in your pants!
Queenie, Queenie, break loose from your puppety-puppety dance.

Mirror, mirror, so mean on the wall, so feisty and all,
You must be nailed or glued, but definitely not tacked,
Because tactless you are, your sovereign to attack.
I’m your queen and a friend, speak in such kind,
Or forced I will be, a new mirror to find.
So there, so there, mean mirror, so mean and unkind.

Queenie, dear Queenie, half-shocked on a ball,
You couldn’t be more righter, if righter were right to write
A new mirror you must find, a mirror to shed brighter light,
Look not in the mirror of other’s thoughts, words, or deeds,
For that mirrors them, and in no way mirrors thee.
Look to your own words, your own choice and actions,
And there, who you truly are, you’ll find in their refractions.
Be your own mirror, my Queen, be your own sure reflection,
There find beauty and wisdom by your own introspection.
Such a mirror is more certain, than a mirror on the wall…
Such a mirror let’s your self-image on your own actions fall.

And one last thing, my dear Queen… from a humble mirror on the wall,
Maybe they’d take you more seriously, if you’d stop prancing on that ball!