Keep Running

I keep running,
All for you,
I keep running,
From the dark.

My legs feel
Like they might give way
Any second now.

I can feel the dark
Catching up
No matter how fast
I run.

Yet, somehow,
I can keep running
All for you.

Even when I
feel like maybe
I could sit for a second,
Like maybe it wouldn't
Be so bad if I
Let the dark catch up.

Your name is
The first name I think of
And it allows me to keep going.

That's why I
Keep running,
That's why I can't give up.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is dedicated to a special friend. I'm sure you know who you are. Thanks for making me laugh and keeping me going, even if you don't really know it. Arigatou ( thanks in japanese)