The Poppy

The flower opens up
The bud shows once more
The first flower to be seen
On the field of the war

As red as a flame
As beautiful it may be
All the men that died there
Which we’ll never see

Never will we thank them
For all they did for us
They fought for our survival
And not once did they fuss

If it were not for them
Where would we be
You certainly wouldn’t be here
We wouldn’t be free

We would all be in the ground
Looking at the sky
Watching and waiting
As time drifted slowly by

But for all those poor souls
I thank you from me
For if it weren’t for you
You would of never met me

I would never have met my love
No matter how close he had been
I just wish I was there
To see how brave you all had been

And time starts to pass once more
The bud curls back in
The colours fading away
Not to be seen till next spring