Double Standard



You act like you can read my mind
Like you know how I tick
So you can treat me like I'm just some fuckin' brat

Can't you see
You don't know everything about me

You decide on what you wanna hear
And leave me the blame
Cause what you decided
Wasn't what you wanted to hear

Or maybe that IS what you wanted to hear
Cause you just wanted an argument
Well you know what?
Fuck you too

Leave me a double standard
Treat me like shit

You don't know me
You don't know my mind, my soul
My heart

So decide whatever you fuckin' want

But don't blame ME when I call out your bullshit
Don't blame ME when I stop listening
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok... So I first posted this on DeviantArt
Here is my DA accout if you wanna check anything out:

So yeah... I had an argument and then I need to let off some steam, and this is least self damaging way I found to do that.

What do ya think?