A Candle

Bent over at the very edge
of your bed late one night.
Head buried into your hands,
tears streaming through.

With every beat of your heart,
you will it to stop each time.
Just to end, right then and there,
for these walls to melt away.

With the opening of your eyes,
as the sun draws away the darkness,
wishing the night to take you with it.
This is when the real nightmare begins.

Spiral down in life,
drowning in the pain.
Give up the fight, it is no use,
let this broken heart remain.

As hope draws thin, a voice can be heard,
whispering gently into your soul.
"I love you. It's okay.
I will not let you break."

With those words, a candle is lit,
inside of that broken heart.
That voice, so close,
embedded into your mind.

As the shadows cast across the floor,
to your knees you sink.
"Oh God, I hear you.
I hear your voice."

That candle, still lit,
flaring in your heart,
begins to grow with love
for that voice which saved your life.

Eventually, the cracked and whithered
walls inside you
begin to weld together again
and become one.

As the light banishes the dark
which you had grown to love,
the chains which had once bound you
melted away and you were free.

For the first time in months
you could feel the breeze
weaving gently
through your hair.

The light of the stars
shone in your eyes,
the moonlight on your face.
The world had come alive.

Atop a grassy hill you stand,
eyes cast to Heaven,
a smile that was never seen before
illuminates your face.

For there, clear in the sky
shone the Lord
smiling down at you,
with warmth in His eyes.

A single tear streams down your face,
as you gaze and He gazes back,
that tear, once of sorrow,
is now the tear of pure love.

Days pass, each morning you awake,
no longer sad to see the darkness fade.
You now smile and a sentence you say,
Thank you, Lord, for the blessing of today.