The Voices

I try not to listen but the voices grow,
they tell me that i shouldnt be here.
That the world would be a better if i wasn't.

I try not to listen because I know I'm more.
The voices grow and tell me I'm not worth it.
I dont know who the voices are,
but with every tear I shed, their's a new one.

People don't understand me,
but that may be my own fault.
I'm afraid to let people in,
just not for the same reasons as others.

The voices tell me I'm crazy,
that I'm not worth waisting air for.
They tell me the world is fake,
and even if it was real I shouldn't be here.

I don't want help getting rid of the voices,
because I know only I can.
I may never know how to live again,
but I know that if I want it bad enough I will.

If the world would stay still for five minutes,
I would rule the world,
and know what it's like,
to live, love and lose.

I realize now the voices are mine,
I hear them and their plead.
They want to be set free,
Yet, I don't know how.

The voices tell me now,
that they are my only friends.
That I am worth what I want to be,
and I belong where I put myself.

I tried not to listen to the voices.
I thought I was crazy, I didn't belong.
They grew and told me what I should have known,
That everything will be fine, even with the voices.