Death Of A Vampire (Inspired by Anne Rice's character Lestat de Lioncourt)

Death of a Vampire originally written: 1988

A lone, wraithlike figure
sits alone in the biting darkness
as the dust collects...
testimony to the passage of time.

Time means nothing
to one who won't know the dust
or the dusk of his night.

He does not feel that Father Time,
standing stock still is a blessing
in gray-haired disguise.

The vampire stands finally upon a tower at midnight,
looking upon the glitter of the modern metropolis.
Cars roar beneath him,
carrying people to distant destinations
ignorant of the passing seconds.

Operas are no longer played in the theatres.
Their melodic sounds drwoned out now by thrashing metal.
The red brick streets are replaced with asphalt.
Forests are now suburbs. Grassy fields are now malls.
Society runs headlong into its future
leaving the vampire alone in its fading past.

So the vampire stands alone atop the tower
a vicim of his own mortality.
He watches the seconds tick by.

Left behind by a computerized world,
he spreads his face on the wind
and slowly fades away.