Pleading for My Freedom

Trapped in this place so cold and dark
damp dripping cold water.
Shivering trying to keep warm but so cold
barley seeing what is in front of me.
Curled up in a ball chained to the wall
no one is coming for me no one even cares.
Why am I here, what did I do wrong
I don't deserve this do I?
Oh why is life so cruel to me all I ever wanted was love
please some one help me be free for this nightmare.
Day light never comes to me just the night fall and fog
hope is not present in this place of mine I want to feel love once more.
I can't get up and walk in my little room because of these chains that bind me.
I am weak I can't break free wishing I was with the rest of the world.
Feeling the joy and happiness of love
friendship Is what I so very long for.
This place I am in is a trap, death waiting at the door step
sorrow is what fills my heart, hope slowly dying.
Breath of life slipping away feeling numb,
knowing I will never play anymore.
Needing to get out of this reality, sleeping is no comfort
nightmares spawn now knowing I am truly slowly dying.
Having no friends and no one to love,
no one to love me back .
Please someone set me free from my cage of death
seeing and hearing laughter in my memories.
But even those are fading away for me
can't you see.
I need you to set me free
where are you my prince
is there something wrong, did I hurt you?
I don't want to die, I want love and live
that I once knew and had.
Hope is barley there in the abyss of death and despair
Am I forever damned to this frighting place I now call home?
Wanting you to return with love for me and to save me.
Awaiting for my shower of light to bath me in warmth of reassuring hope.
Now being here in this weary place, I can feel your presence disappearing from me
leaving a massive crater in my heart, emptiness filling my heart slowly hardening.
Turning into some one I am not
quickly save me from here my brave dear.
Hearing someone at the door of death, is that you coming for me
opening my heart once again?
No just the sound of my last breath filling the air with utter death.