Imagination fear creation

I don't know how I sleep at night
I fill myself with this same old fright
That the monsters under my bed are real
And I jump whenever I think I feel
A claw or something of another creation
Deep down I know it's imagination
A plan won't fall from a great height
And that survival isn't a slim might
But I push aside all of my doubt
And pull a scream close to out
When I dream it's not a dream
'Cause nothing is really as it seams
Angles are masks for decayed and dead
The wings I have are really led
Sweets replaced with dirt and mud
Only my parachute is a dud
White roses burn to black
Inner and outer violent attacks
When the light comes on you think it ends
But this is only where it begins
I might go blind if I don't blink
Migraines so bad I can't think
He could give me an overdose
I'm scared of food and roads the most
What if the brakes somehow bust
And we go into a cloud of cars and dust
The bridges sides may not be strong
No one will last very long
Or that eerie noise isn't the tires
Down comes the telephone wires
A construction project gone wrong
Been in the station a little too long
That thing from the bed followed me here
I can hear it's crackling coming near
I know it's all inside my head
When I think that It'll be gone when dead
I think I'll wait to find out
I'll hold on to that final shout
I don't know how I live with me
All these things I make seen
All of my fear creations
I need to stop imagination