
Some people are so stupid
Some don't know what they're talking about
Some just go with the popular vote
Even though they know it's not right
But people have feelings
Everyone does,
White, black, spanish, asian,
Christian, jew, judists, buddists
So why do we do it?
Why do we insist?
Do you want world disasters?
Do you not want peace?
Why start a riot
Over something so stupid?
Why try to start something
When you know it'll end badly?
Why can't you get over it?
Why can't blacks and whites and mexicans
Get along?
We may think
'Oh it doesn't happen anymore
That was in history, this is 2010'
Well it does.
Racism still occures
We all are part of it.
Whether we give it or recieve it
But why?
Does it make you feel stronger?
Do you think it makes you better than us?
Well I got news for you
It doesn't.
You aren't better than us.
You aren't stronger
If anything, you are weaker and smaller
You are worth ten times less
Hurting us, physically and emotionally
Is childish and children are small
What if the world hated you?
What if we all turned against you?
What if you had to be the slaves?
What if all the minorities took over?
What then?
Would you still feel powerful?
Well... would you?
I didn't think so.