Lame Game

People say lifes so lame
Dinkin itz all just a game
But wen it cumz 2 ur name datz not even close ta da same
Sayin all dis shit dinkin it wnt matter a bit
But just watch
Just watch da result...
You dressed az sucha adult
Wen they foumd u afloat
Cuz u fell off a boat
Dinkin lifes just a joke
I wish u woulda choked
Ur luky dey still had hope
If dey didnt no u dot lifz a joke
Dey woulda left ur azz afloat
But dey no how ta cope wit sum1 with az much az u
God damn
How could u dink lifes a game
Itz al so real 2 dink sumthinz not how itz pose ta feel
Wen u feel ur skin peel
Cuz u lost a bet
Sayin how lifes not real
Blame urself...
Blame urself 4 everything youve dne
U just wanted 2 hab sum fun?
But look at cho azz
You cant eben run
Sum fun
Next ding u no; just watch
Youwill never c da sun for more "fun"

Lifes nota joke... take it seriously,1 dat ata tyme, and just live it.