I used to be like this.

I’m going to get fit
I’m going to eat healthy

I’m going to exercise like crazy
I’m going to stop eating.

I’ll try on new clothes
Marvel at my achievement
Look in the mirror
And love what God sent

I’m so perfect
I can see my bones
The dirt’s all gone now
The beauty is shown

Dinner time
This’ll be tough
Sit at the table
People talk about their day, laugh

Pick pick pick
Can’t eat that
A smaller piece please
No, that has too much fat

That looks nice,
I’ll tale that one please
Yum yum yum
Now I must flee

The bathroom, the guilt
Get rid of this crap!
What the hell were you thinking
By eating all that?

Now I cry
Feel sorry for myself
Pick up the next book
About calories from my shelf

Hmm, this is a good tip
I should do that
Any more tips
To stop me getting fat?

I hate that word.
I am that word.

Leave me alone.

I’m stuck in this cycle
Of confusion
I’m chasing an unhealthy vision
♠ ♠ ♠
I went though this, it's not fun. I'll be fixing it up soon, but comments would be nice for now :)