Tie It Off With Lace

Tie It Off With Lace

You promised to be my friend forever,
But I guess forever just ended,
You promised to always tell me the truth,
But I guess that was just another lie,
You promised to be my shoulder to cry on,
But I guess you got too tired of my tears.

Take your lies,
And tie them off with lace.

My cliché lines will go unheard,
I can’t even say a word,
You took my world,
And painted it black,
I just wish we could go back.

Take your lies,
And tie them off with lace.

Yesterday you were right next to me,
Now you stand miles away,
I never know if I will be okay,
My confidant was ripped from me,
I guess it just wasn’t meant to be.

Take your lies,
And tie them off with lace.

You promised to be my friend forever,
But I guess forever just ended,
You lied to my face,
Tying my throat with black lace,
You’ll no longer catch my fallen tears,
I’ll hide them away for many years,
So many questions are left unanswered,
Loose ends left untied.

Take your lies,
And tie them off with lace.

Was I that unimportant?
That forgettable?
Easy to replace?

Were there signs that I simply missed?
Is it easy to watch me break?
Making me regret every breath that I take?

Pieces falling from the pedestal that we set so high,
All with one little lie,
An entire friendship reduced to rubble,
Leaving me to pick up the pieces.

Take your lies,
And tie them off with lace.

I hope you know how much you hurt me,
I’ll get over it,
You’ll live in a lifetime of regret,
My faith in love will come back to me,
And by that time,
I’ll be who I’m meant to be.

Take your lies,
And tie them off with lace.