
Do not leave me

I want you back

Do not be leaving

I will follow you in your tracks

I want to be here

With you

Just you and me

But how can I do that

If you are leaving

You are leaving me forever

You say you don’t want me anymore

I cry as I see your last tracks

As they melt away in the snow

You always said you’ll be right there

But where are you now

You are leaving step by step

I can see you out my window

I run after you as you are leaving

You run farther and farther away

I will never see you again

This is my last day

Because you are leaving

You have gone away

And are never going back

To this very day

I am still following you in your tracks

Step by step
I am never going back.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this poem the day my dad left my family it brings back all thoes memories so this is a very important poem to me i hope you enjoy it understand the meaning it has to me.