Gone To Far

She sits in the dark.
Tears from her eyes.
Blood from her veins.
Blood on one arm,
Blade in the other hand.

They pushed her to far.
Almost of the edge.
Just a few more steps,
She'll fall.

Tears from her eyes.
Blood from her veins.
Just one more cut,
Ends her forever.

Blood on one arm,
Blade in the other hand.
She writes a letter.
Saying goodbye:

To those I love,
It wasn't your fault. I was insulted for to long. Picked on too many times. Blame those who have taunted me. I love you with all my heart. And will be with you in spirit. GOODBYE!

Tears from her eyes.
Blood from her veins.
Blood on one arm.
Blade in the other hand.
That one last cut, ended her forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
A lot goes on in my life and with it i pour my heart out into my poems. so i hope u enjoyed...