
It's never too late to apologize, right?
That's what i thought, until I met you.
Now I'm floundering around,
trying to take back what I sent last night.
Is it too late to apologize?
You know I've tried.
Every time I do,
I see forgiveness in your beautiful eyes.
But do you really mean it?
You would think by now I would know you well enough
to tell truth from lies.
But i really don't know you at all, do I?
I've been trying in vain to figure you out,
and nothing I do seems to work.
You're a mystery, and you seem to like it that way.
I never know how to be around you.
One day you're my friend, next day you back off,
putting walls up around you.
Why don't you let me in?
It won't hurt, I promise.
I could never do that to you.
I know I'm important to you.
I know you care.
But you won't let me reciprocate.
I want to be friends with you.
Real friends, not that pastoral relationship crap
that you say to protect yourself.
Don't you understand?
I'm not in love with you,
but I do love you.
You're VIP to me.
I need you to see that.