Random Facts

Random facts about myself,
Well...I do mostly fancy elves.

I hate from HP the PMS Ron.
I like the world better with Hitler gone.

Some see the world for what it is not,
But I like to plan the travel hot spots.

I hate how the baptists call a dad Sir.
I like to dream about Phil of the Future.

I used to play in a team for soft ball,
But I hurt my chest when my bones broke a fist's fall.

I have a swelled lip when my sister kicked my face,
I am always alone anywhere, any place.

I see the life of millions each day,
But my own seems it will clunk with decay.

I hold my head in confidence,
I'm cutting my hair for woman rights defence.

I have so many facts about who I am,
But still my soul works as a dam.

See, I hold my secerets deep within,
I'm only human so I too have sins.

I am like a panda feeling fat and lazy,
I just simply wrote this poem because I was hazzy.

Good Morning
Nice Afternoon
Have the Best of the Night!!