
Shards of light cast away amidst the ocean,
Are plethora of color spectrum.
Like vast amounts of prisms strewn in the sea,
By forces unknown.

This visage, is much like the blue hue,
Caught in the eyes of a child.
The sparkling joy,
The greens, the reds, the in-betweens, they cast their share into making this beauty,
That shimmers in the depth.

I find these eyes in the mirror,
Whose beveled edges spark with similar grace,
And I see those eyes go cold,
I see the fluidity, the life,
Drop from them as if a weight were stolen from their embodiment.

I see my eyes in that mirror,
So many colors,
So hazel,
So bright.
I see their light.
I see it take flight,
I see it leave,
As my breath is taken from me.