I'm Special

I’m special
Because I understand I am the way I am for a reason

I’m special
Because I am in a crowded room, and yet I am the loneliest one of all

I’m special
Because I can’t describe how I feel or what are in my thoughts exactly

I’m special
Because all I expect from a friend is kindness, nothing more

I’m special
Because I can stand being alone

I’m special
Because I think everyone has something important in their life that makes them keep going

I’m special
Because I would rather be with my family than at some outrageous illegal party

I’m special
Because one of my best friends when I was little was the TV

I’m special
Because I like to give

I’m special
Because I like to help and make others feel better

I’m special
Because I am always around to talk to in the hardest of times

I’m special
Because I don’t expect anything back

I’m special
Because I’m okay with this all

I’m special
Because I am proud of what I’ve accomplished

I’m special
Because I am myself and there’s nothing more I am proud of